Monday, April 7, 2008

This Is...

I only have two things to say, so be prepared for a short update:

1.) I am head-over-heels-in-love-obsessed-so-nervous-I-might-puke-but-still-can't-wait-for-tonight-excited for the NCAA championship tonight. On it's 20th anniversary, the only thing I can hope, pray, wish, and wait for is a KU victory over Memphis. ROCK CHALK!!!

2.) Fuck you, Samuel Beckett. Fuck you.

Have a good day, and if you're a prayer, send a big please for victory to whatever higher power you talk to!

1 comment:

lifeform666 said...

2.) Fuck you, Samuel Beckett. Fuck you.

Why? "No reason" is an acceptable answer.

About Me

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I'm a 24 year old newlywed, getting my library science degree all while working in a bookstore and trying to find some of the big answers in the big books - and the small books, while I'm at it. I'm interested in all types of fiction and personal non-fiction, all procedural cop dramas, and a fair portion of the TV that airs on the BBC3! I care about sustainability, agricultural ethics, independent documentaries, and admitting freely that I don't have all the answers - and may never - but I'm trying to have fun while I figure it out!